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Creating, Developing and Maintaining High-Performance Teams

As a certified Everything DiSC facilitator, Aspire MCL has access to an incredibly simple but powerful team assessment tool called 'Team Performance Scan'. This online assessment is suitable for helping teams at all levels to measure 10 key themes which directly impact performance. The 40-question assessment was born out of research and experience with thousands of teams in corporate organisations, sports and public sector bodies including Amazon, the NHS and the McLaren Formula 1 Racing Team.

The assessment comes with a 14-page interpretive guide that allows for very rapid assimilation of the results and provides an ideal basis for planning development programmes. Further, at only £25 per head, it is an inexpensive way to periodically reassess against the benchmark to measure return on development investment.

A sample report is attached.

Get in touch today and take the first step to building the team you always wanted.

Email: Tel:+44(0)20 39047501

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